Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Applause
Pages: 832
Trim: 8½ x 10¾
978-1-4930-7080-0 • Paperback • November 2022 • $90.00 • (£69.00)
978-1-4803-2998-0 • eBook • April 2003 • $33.00 • (£25.00)
Barry Monush is the Associate Editor of Screen World, and a researcher at the Museum of Television and Radio in New York City.
"Monush has a distinct writing style that, while not always objective, lets his personality and sources—mainly Screen World and Films on Review magazine—shine through."—Publishers Weekly
(Previous Edition Praise)—
"Monush has done extensive research to compile the biographies, and the entries convey his love of moviemaking . . . There are fun anecdotes included in every entry, and readers will learn new trivia each time they peruse the encyclopedia."—Booklist
(Previous Edition Praise)—