Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 184
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-1-5381-1021-8 • Hardback • August 2018 • $40.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-5381-1022-5 • eBook • August 2018 • $38.00 • (£30.00)
Anne Finkelman Ziff is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice in New York City and Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, NY. Prior to her licensure as a therapist, Anne was a corporate writer and a journalist. She spent five dynamic years as Arts & Entertainment Editor of The Fairfield Citizen News and at the Westport News, both in Fairfield County, CT, where she was actively involved with cultural activities in the community. Previous books include How to Make Money in Mail Order for American Consumer, The Story of Cub and Marrying Well: The Clinicians Guide to Premarital Therapy.
Chapter 1
| Free Yourself from Worries and Fears; Read a Story
Chapter 2
| Learn from Stories
Chapter 3
| Lay the Groundwork
Chapter 4
| Ask Yourself, Who?
Chapter 5
| Ask Yourself, What?
Chapter 6
| Ask Yourself, Why?
Chapter 7
| Ask Yourself, How? and Where?
Chapter 8
| Do You Think You Might Like to Write a Legacy Document?
Chapter 9
| Ready, Set, Go: Create Your Personal Legacy Document
Chapter 10
| Ask Yourself, What Obstacles Could Possibly Get in the Way of My Conversation?
Chapter 11
| Reflections
Appendix A
| A List of Euphemisms for Death or Dying
Appendix B
| A Guide for Book Groups
Your End of Life Matters is designed to assist the reader in developing a personal protocol in approaching end-of-life matters. . . . [Ziff’s] style is conversational and easy to follow, even if the topics are uncomfortable and difficult. . . . Ziff, through her book, guides the reader through the process and provides a roadmap that makes a difficult task almost enjoyable.
— New York Journal of Books
Here is a small book of great meaning and timeliness. Practitioners of medical, psychological health, as well as their clients and their families, should read and follow the recommendations contained herein.
— Philip B. Luloff, MD, LFAPA, CGP, Director Division of Psychotherapy, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
A sensitive and important topic… handled carefully and gently by the author. Anyone wanting to address end-of-life wishes with a trusted family member or friend will find this work to be a ready guide.
— Ken Schwartz, Co-chair of AGPA Special Interest Group
Anne Ziff is a wise guide on a difficult but inevitable journey for each of us. She asks us to stop and consider the next steps along the way so that we truly reach someplace important at the end.
— Richard Schaub, PhD, director, Huntington Meditation and Imagery Center; author, "Dante's Path"
Death is a reality for all of us, and it is time that the conversation be as natural as how we talk about living a heart healthy life. Anne Finkelman Ziff gives us the tools in this how-to guide. The discussion of death and dying should be a conversation that is simply a part of all of our lives.
— Suzanne Steinbaum, Director, Women's Heart Health, Heart and Vascular Institute, Lenox Hill Hospital
This is a brave book by a wise woman. Anne Ziff encourages us to look ahead while we are able, and initiate discussion about our own death and dying wishes with the people closest to us. She has obviously done the work herself and is therefore perfectly positioned to guide others. Packed with stories and exercises to help organize our thoughts, Your End of Life Matters is neither maudlin nor panic-inducing. Rather, it is a practical guide through the thicket. It will make you think, calm your nerves, and allow you to go on with life, free of most end-of-life concerns.
— Elena Lesser Bruun Ed.D, Past President of the New York Association of Marriage and Family Therapy