Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 264
Trim: 6¼ x 9⅜
978-1-5381-2091-0 • Hardback • November 2019 • $48.00 • (£37.00)
978-1-5381-2092-7 • eBook • November 2019 • $45.50 • (£35.00)
Julian Heath earned both bachelor’s and a master’s degrees in archaeology at the University of Liverpool. He specialized in the prehistoric archaeology of western Europe and Egyptology. Since leaving university, he has gone on to publish and illustrate several books on prehistoric Archaeology/Egyptology such as: Life in Copper Age Britain, Warfare in Neolithic Europe, Sacred Circles, Archaeological Hotspot Egypt. He has also contributed articles to Ancient Egypt magazine.
Heath contributed illustrations to the British Museum’s Dictionary of Ancient Egypt and two children’s books (Stories from Ancient Egypt & Stories from Ancient Greece and Rome) written by the respected Egyptologist and author, Joyce Tyldesley. He has also worked as a finds illustrator (this involves the accurate drawing of ancient artefacts for publication, following set technical conventions) with Liverpool University missions to sites in Egypt.
Chapter 1. An Introduction to Megalithic EuropeChapter 2. The Heartland of Megalithic EuropeChapter 3. French and Swiss Megalithic TombsChapter 4. Megalithic IberiaChapter 5. Megaliths of the Mediterranean IslandsChapter 6. The Stone Circles of Britain and IrelandChapter 7. Stonehenge and AveburyChapter 8. English Megalithic TombsChapter 9. Welsh Megalithic TombsChapter 10. Irish Megalithic TombsChapter 11. Scottish Megalithic TombsChapter 12. Megalithic Germany and HollandChapter 13. Megalithic Scandinavia
In this new publication, Julian Heath presents a guide to the impressive stone structures created in the Neolithic, Chalcolithic, and Bronze Age, which dominate landscapes in many parts of Europe, bringing to life the world of the prehistoric people who once inhabited them.
The megaliths are divided by region, beginning with Brittany, and ranging from Mediterranean islands to Scandinavia. Heath introduces a selection of both well-known and more obscure monuments, choosing examples that allow for a discussion of wider themes. The context in which the megaliths were constructed is also considered, highlighting what they can tell us about the societies that created them, whether this is where the material was sourced, the possible belief systems of the builders, or what the construction may indicate about societal organisation.
This volume is well-illustrated and includes many ideas about interpretations and the folklore associated with the megaliths alongside the academic research and scientific data, offering a detailed introduction to Megalithic Europe while remaining accessible and engaging for a general readership
— Current Archaeology
A wonderful guide. . . intelligently and cogently written . . . If you are traveling anywhere in Europe, this book will convince you to go visit [the sites] yourself!— Seattle Book Review
This well-crafted book is an invaluable companion for anyone researching the ritual lives of our European Neolithic and Bronze Age ancestors. Julian Heath brings together all the major megalithic sites in one very informative volume; ideal for scholars and those researching our distant heritage.— George Nash, Geosciences Centre, IPT, Coimbra University, Portugal
The creation of monuments is one of the most important aspects of life in prehistoric societies. Julian Heath’s book offers a broadly accessible guide to the amazing megalithic monuments of our European ancestors and covers numerous sites.Exploring Megalithic Europe is a valuable companion to all readers interested in our prehistoric past.— Dr. Jan Turek, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Editor-in-chief of Archaeologies-Journal of the World Archaeological Congress