Introduction 1
Military Micro Nuclear Reactors: Proliferation Problem Or Energy Solution? 2
Alex Bednarek
Alternatives to Highly Enriched Uranium in Naval Nuclear Reactors 13
Brian M. Benedicks
Crisis Stability, Ooda Loops, and Hypersonic Weapons 24
Alan Cummings
Deterring China: Creating A Framework for Advanced Military Cooperation in the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue 39
John H. Fernandez
Cooperation in the Final Frontier: Reconciling Outer Space Treaties and Export Control Systems 52
B.M. Gautam
Who’s to Say? Technical Dimensions of Nuclear Disinformation 72
Matty S. Golub
U.S. Conventional Intermediate-Range Missiles in East Asia: Can They Deter without Being Destabilizing? 83
Eric Gomez
Strategic Arms Control, Presidents, and Politics: Why Mirvs Fell Off the Agenda 95
Garrett Hinck
The Future of Nuclear Energy in the United States 110
Phoebe M. Kotlikoff
Millennials and Nuclear Weapons: Concerned or Complacent? 121
Amelia Morgan
No First Nukes: Replacing the U.S. Nuclear First Strike Mission with Non-Nuclear Hypersonic Weapons 135
Ruby RussellVIII | On the Horizon: A Collection of Papers from the Next Generation
The Testing Moratorium: Is the United States Falling Behind? 151
Stephan A. Varga
Public Opinion on Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control in Russia 161
Anna Wagner
The Erosion of Advice and Consent: Congress’s Diminishing Role in Arms Control 173
Paul Warnke
Assure to Deter: Planning U.S. Bomber Deployments For Extended Deterrence in the Second Nuclear Age 186
Zach Ziegler
About the Editor 201