Introduction: Hermeneutic Philosophy of Technology: A Research Program
Alberto Romele, Wessel Reijers, Mark Coeckelbergh
Part I: Ricoeur and Theories of Technology
Chapter 1: Ricoeur’s Polysemy of Technology and its Reception - Ernst Wolff
Chapter 2: Postphenomenology and the Hermeneutic Ambiguity of Technology – Eoin Carney
Chapter 3: Let’s Narrate That Symmetry! Ricoeur and Latour – Jonne Hoek, Bas de Boer
Chapter 4: Ricoeur’s Critical Theory of Technology – David Kaplan
Chapter 5: Free the Text! A Texture Turn in Philosophy of Technology – Bruno Gransche
Part II: Ricoeur’s Ethics of Technology
Chapter 6: Narrative Self-Exposure on Social Media: From Ricoeur to Arendt in the Digital Age – Annemie Halsema
Chapter 7: Digital Hermeneutics: Will the Real Quantified Self Please Stand Up? – Noel Fitzpatrick
Chapter 8: The Pedagogical Relation in a Technological Age– David Lewin
Chapter 9: Prostheses as Narrative Technologies: Bioethical Considerations for Prosthetic Applications in Health Care – Geoffrey Dierckxsens
Chapter 10: Responsibility, Technology and Innovation: The Recognition of a Capable Agent – Guido Gorgoni, Robert Gianni
Part III: Ricoeur and 21st Century Technology
Chapter 11: Ricœur and E-health – Alain Loute
Chapter 12: The Force of Political Action in the Technological Polis – Todd Mei
Chapter 13: Software and Metaphors: The Hermeneutic Dimensions of Software Development – Eric Chown, Fernando Nascimento
Chapter 14: Narrating Artificial Intelligence: The Story of AlphaGo – Esther Keymolen
Conclusion: Hermeneutic Responsible Innovation
Wessel Reijers, Alberto Romele, Mark Coeckelbergh
About the Contributors