Introduction 1 Darren Brown
Escape from the Tower of London 5 John Buchanan
Jack Sheppard Earns Fame 11 Phillip Alban
Escape from Leads 19 Casanova
The Bastille 29 Henri Masers De Latude
Trench at Magdeburg 39 Baron Trenck
Louis Napoleon 53 F.T. Briffault
The Cemetery of the Chateau D'If 65 Alexandre Dumas
A Question of Passports 79 Baroness Orczy
Three Years Among the Comanches 89 Nelson Lee
General Morgan's Flight from the North 99 Thomas Hines
Colonel Rose's Tunnel 107 Frank Moran
How We Escaped from Pretoria 129 Captain Aylmer Haldane
A Gunman Breaks Jail 143 Edward H. Smith
Eamon de Valera 151 Frank Kelly
Georgia Chain Gang Fugitive 159 Robert E. Burns
Papillon 169 Henri Charriere
A Man Escaped 191 Andre Devigny
Escape Strategy 205 Pat Reid
Bid for Freedom 215 Walter Thomas
Escape or Die 227 Paul Brickhill
The War Journal of Major Damon "Rocky" Gause 239 Major Damon Gause
Down in Korea 249 Ward Millar
Escape from Laos 261 Dieter Dengler
Out of a Turkish Prison 273 Billy Hayes with William Hoffer
Dark, Deep-Laid Plans 283 Mark Twain