Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Humanities Press
Pages: 330
Trim: 5½ x 8½
978-1-59102-103-2 • Paperback • December 2003 • $44.00 • (£35.00)
978-1-61592-229-1 • eBook • January 2010 • $41.50 • (£35.00)
""Our greatest enemy in the United States today is ignorance and our weapon must be knowledge. will help break down this wall of ignorance.”—Fr. Roy Bourgeois, founder, School of the Americas Watch“ . . . shines a powerful light into the dark corners of corporate globalization and provides a beacon of hope for the many grass roots forces struggling to democratize the global economy and make a better world possible.”—Kevin Danaher, cofounder, Global Exchange“. . arguably the best and most up-to-date text in the field of political sociology available today. Its useful tables and illustrative inserts make this book ideal for undergraduate students.”—Martin Oppenheimer, Associate Professor of Sociology and Labor Studies, Rutgers University