Introduction: Guatemalan Elections: Ineffectual Instruments of Democratization Omar Sanchez-Sibony
Chapter 1: The Perils of Presidentialism: Is Linz Right about Guatemala? Christopher A. Martínez
Chapter 2: Illicit Networks in Guatemala’s Congress: The Criminal Subversion of Democracy Harald Waxenecker
Chapter 3: Congruence and Representation in Guatemala Annabella España-Nájera and Mar Martinez Rosón
Chapter 4: The Waves of Judicialization of Politics in Guatemala Jonatán Lemus
Chapter 5: Purposeful Weakness: How Power Flows Through and Around Guatemala’s Legal System Rachel E. Bowen
Chapter 6: Citizens’ Political Culture and Democracy in Guatemala Dinorah Azpuru
Chapter 7: The Criminal Threat to Democracy in Guatemala Regina Bateson
Chapter 8: Why No Parties in Guatemala? Lessons from Party-Building Theory Omar Sanchez-Sibony
Chapter 9: The Struggles of Guatemala’s Political Left Post Peace Accords Michael E. Allison
Chapter 10: Guatemala’s Political Right: Electoral and Non-Electoral Strategies Omar Sanchez-Sibony
Appendix: Additional Material for Chapter 3
About the Contributors