List of Acronyms
Part One: Boundary and Territorial Conflicts
Chapter 1: Claims and Conflicts over Land Territory and Land Boundary
Chapter 2: Disputes over Maritime Boundary
Part Two: Armed Conflicts Within and Between States
Chapter 3: Sources of Civil Wars: Colonial Hangover
Chapter 4: Sources of Civil Wars: Despotism, Overstay in Power, and Historical Discontent
Chapter 5: Noticeable Features of Africa’s Civil Wars
Chapter 6: Causes of Inter-State Wars in Africa
Part Three: A New Dimension of Conflicts in Africa: Domestic and Transborder Terrorism
Chapter 7: An Overview
Chapter 8: Combating Terrorism through Law
Chapter 9: Punishing Acts of Terrorism
Part Four: African Approaches to Conflict Resolution
Chapter 10: Some Indigenous Mechanisms for Settling Conflicts
Chapter 11: Indigenous System and Transitional Justice: Rwanda’s Gacaca
Chapter 12: The African Union and Conflict Resolution Arrangements
About the Author