Chapter 1:
Notable Figures Who Invited me to Join Them in Waging Jihad
Chapter 2:
The Temperament of Most Wagers of Jihad
Chapter 3:
The Prospect of Killing Innocent Muslims as Justification For Prohibiting Jihad
Chapter 4:
The Many Thousands of People Who Died Due to The Jihad of Shaykh Al-Hajj Umar, and the Correspondence of Monsieur Faidherbe
Chapter 5:
A Discussion of [the Book] Al-Istiqṣā Regarding Matters of Jihad
Chapter 6:
A Discussion of The BiographyAl-Sīrat al-Ḥalabiyyah on what Constitutes Jihad
Chapter 7:
A state Cannot Be Erected Solely on The Qualities of Religion and Piety, But Must Also Incorporate Politics, Wit, Subterfuge and Intimidation
Chapter 8:
Among the Signs of Sincere Piety is a Reliance on the State of Spiritual Primacy
Chapter 9:
A Chapter on French Leaders’ Affection Toward Me
Afterword By David Robinson